Camaro 1973 Camaro Type LT
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Wheel Well and Trunk Dropdown Final Repairs (August 2, 2005)

Here is the last work to be done to the wheelwells and trunk dropdowns before the quarter panels are installed. I had to weld the right trunk dropdown in to finish off the trunk area. After this piece was welded in I then had to seal all the seams that would be behind the quarter panels and inaccessible once they were installed. This included sealing the seams around the outer wheel houses that get covered by the quarter panel. I also sealed the trunk dropdown seams because it would be easier to do with the quarter panels off. After the seam sealer dried, I then went and put one final coat of red oxide ZeroRust on the trunk and wheelhouse surfaces to clean it up and give it a good layer of rust protection. The only areas to not get a coat of ZeroRust were the areas where the quarter panel will be welded to body. I put a coat of weldable primer on these surfaces. Eventually, the ZeroRust in the trunk will get a coat of trunk splatter paint. The next step is to install the rear quarter panels.

Status photos as of 08/02/2005:
Here are some shots of the trunk area with the trunk drop downs welded in and the outer wheelwell housings installed. I plug welded the pieces where the factory spot welds were. I also went and welded the seams where the panels meet for extra strength.
Here are some shots of the the trunk and outer wheel well housing seams covered with seam sealer. Before I sealed the seams, I coated the fresh welds with ZeroRust. Hopefully this will keep the car from rusting again.
Here are some shots of the trunk and outer wheel wells before the installation of the quarter panels. In these photos the seams have been lightly sanded and everything received a final coat of ZeroRust.

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